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- 1 2 8 R L E
- Program by Bob Markland
- Text by Bob Markland and Jeff Jones
- For several months now RLE file compression has been used to cram up to
- 35% more programs and text onto each issue of LOADSTAR 64. To accomplish
- this feat, Jeff Jones wrote a RLE -- Run Length Encoding -- utility,
- published on LS #134.
- Recently, Fender sent me Jeff's M/L source code along with a request to
- make it work on the C-128. After some discussion, Fender and I agreed that
- Jeff's program did everything he wanted it to, just not in 128 mode. So,
- if you happen to subscribe to both LOADSTAR 64 and LOADSTAR 128 you will
- find that 128 RLE works much the same as the C-64 version. (I have a real
- aversion to re-inventing the wheel).
- It will pay you, though, to become familiar with the following
- information because BANK selection and differences in syntax are important
- considerations on the C-128.
- RLE is probably the most simple form of data compression next to
- tokenization. It encodes repetitious data in only two bytes instead of up
- to 128. RLE uses 4 bytes to encode 256 repeating bytes. In the code, the
- first byte says how many consecutive bytes to expect. The second byte is
- the actual byte that's being repeated. So 500 consecutive zeroes are coded
- as 8 bytes instead of 500.
- We could code up to 255 bytes, but it's more efficient to use only the
- lower 128 numbers for repeating characters and the higher 127 for non-
- repeating data. That way we don't have to have terminating flags, which
- could possibly take up a lot of room if packing a big file. Thus, we have
- a method by which the same byte that would flag repeating characters can be
- used to flag an upcoming stream of non-repeating data. Streams of data
- that don't repeat are preceded by a byte that is 128 plus the number of
- non-repeating characters. The machine language easily spots literals and
- then subtracts 128 from the code.
- RLE works extremely well with fonts and most hi-res graphics. You
- wouldn't want to use RLE on text unless it was full of consecutive spaces
- or other repeating characters.
- When used in conjunction with a screen switcher, RLE also works well
- with program and game screens because, except for text screens like the one
- you're reading now, most screens are full of consecutive spaces. Otherwise
- they'd look too crowded. So most lend themselves to RLE. And even if the
- screen doesn't pack well, the color memory of a text screen, even if it
- varies from line to line, is usually laid out in such a way that the 1000
- color bytes would pack down to only a few bytes. (See "Jeff's Tutorial on
- Packing Screens" below).
- Heavily dithered, "misty" and "busy" graphics, such as the type created
- by Walt Harned, won't pack as well with RLE as they would with other forms
- of compression, though they usually pack somewhat. Basically, the more
- you see solid, unobstructed blocks of pixels or color, the more packable
- that graphic is.
- -------------
- There are three versions of 128/RLE on the disk:
- --------------------------
- 128/RLE 0C00 3072
- 128/RLE 1300 4864
- 128/RLE 1C00 7168
- NOTE: The source code to the routine (in EBUD format) is on the disk in
- the file, "128/rle.s".
- Load any one of these files into BANK 0, using:
- BLOAD"128/RLE xxxx",Un,B0,Pnnnn
- Which version above is the best one for you to use in a program? That
- depends on the other ML programs or routines that you might want to use.
- The first two ($0C00 and $1300) can be used as long as you aren't using
- that area for other ML routines. The code at $1C00 requires that you open
- up the graphic area ($1C00-$4000) with a GRAPHIC1 command.
- FENDER'S NOTE: Since I program only in the 80-column mode on 128
- computers, and invariably use CONTROL80, my programs always have
- BASIC moved up to $4000 with a GRAPHIC1 command. This gives me the area
- from $1C00 to $4000 for storing screens, data, or even machine language
- routines like 128 REL.
- In all the examples 128/RLE observes the following conventions. You
- will note that they closely parallel BASIC 7.0 commands such as BLOAD and
- BSAVE, with two major exceptions:
- (1) You MUST follow the SYS command with a colon (:) rather than a comma.
- (2) Unlike BASIC 7.0 there are no default values. You MUST supply ALL
- drive (U), bank (B), and address (P) information, as shown in the examples
- below.
- ADDR[+N]: is the LOAD address of the M/L module plus N if applicable.
- A, B$ and C are parameters. Parameters followed by $, such as B$, can be
- supplied in string variables or literals within quotes or a combination of
- the two, or any algorithm that creates a string. Numeric parameters can be
- replaced with variables. NO QUOTES!!! You may also use any formula or
- equation that generates a positive integer.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If you choose to use string variables, a combination of
- string and literal text in quotes, or numeric variables, they MUST be
- enclosed in parentheses ().
- --------------
- This command will BLOAD a file to a buffer which you specify and pack
- it, then SAVE the packed file under a new filename on any active drive,
- with any LOAD address you desire.
- ADDR+3 is the location of the pack file code.
- FILE$ is the parameter where you plug in the filename. Since this isn't
- an archive utility, and the packed files are meant to be used in memory,
- the file must be small enough to fit into memory.
- U1 is the device number of the source drive.
- B1 is the bank where the source file will be loaded.
- P1 is the area where the file will be examined by 128/RLE. When you pack
- from disk file to disk file you will no doubt use the "RLE DISK TO DISK"
- BASIC program included on this disk (and explained later) or your own
- embellished version, which will probably be very short. So you can select
- a buffer at any address in BANK 0, following the BASIC program.
- This can be as low as 8192, which gives you room for a buffer of 223
- blocks ($2000-$FEFF). Address 16384+ ($4000+) in BANK 1 is used as the
- default output buffer. However, you can select any area of BANK 1, if you
- find a need, by entering:
- POKESYS+18,page.
- For example: POKESYS+18,32 lowers the beginning of the buffer to 8192 in
- BANK 1. If you find BANKing a little confusing, note that a graphic file
- being examined at 8192 in BANK 0 and the output buffer at 8192 in BANK 1 do
- not interfere with one another. You can even select a buffer directly
- under 128/RLE.
- DEST$ is the filename of your destination file.
- U2 is the device number of your destination drive.
- P2 is the desired LOAD address of the packed file.
- ---------------
- Files can be unpacked in one of two ways. Packed files can be BLOADED
- into a buffer by a routine in your program and then unpacked from one
- location to another or they can be unpacked straight from disk with the
- following command:
- FILE$ is the filename of the packed file.
- Un is the device number of the drive containing the file you wish to
- unpack.
- Bn is the bank number to which the file is to be loaded (usually 1 or
- 0).
- Pn is the desired LOAD address of the data. Making this parameter 0
- will cause the unpack routine to respect the LOAD address the file was
- created with.
- ------------------------
- SYSADDR+6:B1,P1,P2,B2,P3
- Here you can compress any range of memory and stash the compressed data
- anywhere in RAM. This is useful if you already have data in memory which
- you want to compress. Locations 253 and 254 or F% will report the end of
- the output buffer, which you will need to know if you want to BSAVE the
- data. If F% is a negative number (integer variables only go up to 32768),
- you can derive the end from PEEK(254)*256+PEEK(253).
- B1 is the bank where the decompressed data resides.
- P1 is the beginning address of the decompressed data.
- P2 is the ending address of the data to be packed PLUS 1 (+1).
- B2 is the bank where the packed data is to be placed.
- P3 is the beginning address where the packed data is to be placed.
- Remember that data in corresponding areas of BANK 0 and BANK 1 will not
- cause conflicts.
- -------------------------
- SYSADDR+9:B1,P1,B2,P2
- Here you can decompress data already in memory and write it to any
- location in RAM.
- B1 is the number of the bank containing compressed data.
- P1 is the address of the compressed data.
- B2 is the number of the bank where you want the decompressed data to be
- written.
- P2 is the address where you want the decompressed data to be written.
- --------------------
- This is the same as "Compress Range of Memory," except that you must
- first POKE the desired values into memory then SYS directly to the M/L
- without parameters.
- POKE176,n - Bank containing decompressed data.
- POKE251,n:POKE252,n - Low byte/high byte for the beginning address of the
- decompressed data.
- POKE174,n:POKE175,n - Low byte/high byte of the end of the decompressed
- data PLUS 1.
- POKE177,n - Bank to which the compressed data is to be written.
- POKE253,n:POKE254,n - Low byte/high byte for the address to which the
- compressed data is to be written.
- As above, locations 253 and 254 or F% will report the end of the output
- buffer.
- ----------------------
- This is the same as "Decompress Range of Memory," except that you must
- first POKE the desired values into memory then SYS directly to the M/L
- without parameters.
- POKE176,n - Bank containing compressed data.
- POKE251,n:POKE252,n - Low byte/high byte for the beginning address of the
- compressed data.
- POKE177,n - Bank to which the decompressed data is to be written.
- POKE253,n:POKE254,n - Low byte/high byte for the address to which the
- decompressed data is to be written.
- Although there may be times when "Pack Range of Memory" and "Decode
- Range of Memory" will be of use to the BASIC programmer they will be most
- valuable to the M/L programmer.
- STA, STX or STY values to the required registers as is convenient. Then
- JSR ADDR+12 or JSR ADDR+15 to accomplish compression or decompression.
- -----------------
- There is a great deal more RAM available in the C-128 than in the C-64,
- so memory management is seldom a problem. All you really need to know is:
- BASIC programs reside in BANK 0 anywhere from 7168 ($1C00) to 65279
- ($FEFF). BASIC variables are written upward in BANK 1 from 1024 ($0400),
- and BASIC strings are written downward in BANK 1 from 65279 ($FEFF). This
- means that any available BANK 0 space following your BASIC program, and
- much of the area in the middle of BANK 1 is available to manipulate data.
- Just how much of BANK 1 remains available will be dependent upon how many
- variables, strings and arrays your program uses.
- ------------------------
- This BASIC program is an ultra Q&D utility. In fact, it is only two
- lines long. But, that's all that's necessary to compress a disk file to
- the same or another disk.
- To use this utility, type RUN"RLE DISK TO DISK" and press RETURN.
- The program will BLOAD 128/RLE, LIST line 100, print GOTO100, then
- STOP. Move the cursor up to line 100 and proceed as follows:
- Change the first half of the line by substituting the appropriate source
- filename and source drive. There should seldom if ever be a reason to alter
- the B0 or P12288.
- Continue in the second half of the line, following the colon (:) by
- substituting the appropriate destination filename, destination drive, and
- desired load address for the packed file.
- To avoid later confusion, it is best give the destination filename an
- RLE. prefix, however it is not mandatory. Enter P0 if you wish 128/RLE to
- respect the load address of the source file.
- When you are satisfied that line 100 is correct, make certain that the
- source disk and destination disk (if applicable) are in the drive(s), move
- the cursor down to GOTO100 and press RETURN.
- If you are compressing numerous files you can go back to line 100 and
- proceed as indicated above. Or you may prefer to write your own version
- and embellish this utility to suit your own needs.
- With 128/RLE's ability to process string and numeric variables as its
- parameters it would be a simple matter to incorporate keyboard input or an
- array to process multiple-file compression projects. As written, 128/RLE
- doesn't scratch an existing destination file so you must specify a
- different filename if that filename exists on the destination disk.
- As you contemplate uses for 128/RLE it may be helpful to know that
- although the C-64 and C-128 each need their own RLE program -- graphic,
- font and 40 column screen files created by either are fully
- interchangeable.
- Perhaps one of the most obvious uses for RLE packing is a graphics
- slide-show. But, whenever you find a need to conserve disk space 128/RLE
- is the answer.
- In the future, compression will become an even larger part of the
- computer industry, incorporated into the very chips of every computer.
- ----------------------------------
- You'll find that this M/L won't pack screens as they are stored in
- memory. Screens and color memory are two separate chunks of memory. Screen
- memory is fine, but color memory, since it is part of hardware, and not
- RAM, is kind of tricky. This is because the M/L always reads and stores
- BENEATH the I/O image at $D000-$DFFF. Color memory is at $D800 for the 40-
- column screen. So the packing algorithm will read beneath the color
- nibbles to the RAM bytes in the same location, and the unpacker will always
- stash color beneath $D800, invisible to color. This becomes even more
- complicated in the 80 column mode where screen and color RAM must be
- written to indirectly.
- The way to pack screens is to first stash a screen anywhere with a
- toolbox, or your own M/L. Choose this place as your throwaway docking
- station for screens. You're going to immediately pack it and move it
- someplace else. Your stored screen will take up an 8-page range of memory.
- Next, pack the range of memory with 128/RLE. Locations 253 and 254 will
- report the end of the stored packed screen. There plus 1 is where you can
- store the next screen.
- Before you can re-display a packed screen, you must unpack it to a
- location where your screen switcher can then restore the screen. Since
- screens will be of variable length, you will have to come up with a
- workable management routine if you will be storing many, many screens.
- \\\\\ RETURN - Menu \\\\\